

I like minimalism. I like the idea of it. The theory of it. The philosophy of it.

But practicing it? I'm not sure I could handle it. Sure, I get overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I have, and I'm constantly rearranging things to make it look neat and tidy (and like I have fewer things), but it's really not something I could do myself, could I? And what about my husband? Would he go for this?

Who knows. All I know is, materialism drives me nuts, particularly my own materialism. I stress over my wasted time indoors, all the time wishing I was outside. I complain that I don't have enough time, or that I do, but I waste it doing meaningless tasks - cleaning, sorting, laundry, rearranging.

That's not what I want my life to be about. I want to do big things, important things, things that will last. I want to be remembered for the impact I had in other lives, not for the time I spent shopping or for my collections of things.

So, as an outward example of an inner (attempted) heart change, I want to put down in writing that I am going to begin with the de-clutterization of my home and heart. Good-bye to ill-fitting and unworn clothes, to books I never read, and to items that fill up my valuable time. From now on, my life is about moments and memories, and not about my possessions.

The beginning

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