
Letter to a restaurant

Dear Restaurant around the corner from my house,

You have disappointed me this evening. I had been anticipating a lovely dinner with my husband all day, and you were selected, both for your proximity (gotta love "walking distance") and because of your outdoor patio seating. I had plans of delicious pizza and a tasty appetizer, but sadly, this did not happen as anticipated.

Bruschetta (pronounced with a K) was on the agenda for the appetizer, as selected by my husband, who loves the taste of mine. However, when it arrived... really, dear restaurant? You had to use under-ripe tomatoes, pesto sauce and balsamic vinegar? Now, each of things are well and good on their own, but combined in a dish with toasted bread...now we are getting a little out of hand. And soggy toasted bread to boot? This should not be!

And then, dear restaurant, you chose to also ruin my margherita pizza, one of my favorite types of gourmet pizza. Basil is listed as a topping. Basil comes standard on margherita pizzas. Basil should not be almost non-existent on the pizza, but should be one of the central ingredients. Instead, my pizza was bland, relying solely on the mozzarella cheese to give it flavor. You can be sure when I reheat this at home that I will be adding my own basil, so as to enjoy the flavors of my pizza.

No, dear restaurant, you have failed me this evening, causing me to eat, and spend money on, food that I could not rave over. It may be a long time before I grace you with my presence.


PS. All was not lost! My husband just told me that he is "totally and unquestionably in love with you." You being me, of course. That makes for a wonderful end to the day!

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